Herbal Tea Recipes for Bronchial Catarrh #1
ANISEED Seeds, crushed 1 table spoon
Water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Raise the mixture to a boil in a covered pan, cool, strain and drink.
Preparation time: 1 minute.
Dosage: 1 cup, twice a day.
Herbal Teas for Bronchial Catarrh #2
PINE Dried young shoots 1 table spoon
Water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Macerate the herb in cold water, then bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from the heat and let it stand covered for 15 minutes. Strain before drinking.
Preparation time: boiling time 1-2 minutes; standing time 15 minutes.
Dosage: ½ cup, twice a day.