Saturday, April 18, 2009
Herbal Tea Recipes for Cough - Part I
ANISEED Seeds, crushed 1-2 tea spoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
To prepare aniseed tea, place the crushed seeds in a pan and pour over the boiling water. Cover the pan and allow the tea to stand for 15 minutes. Strain and drink hot.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage: 1 cup, 2-3 times a day.
Herbal Tea Recipes for Cough #2
CATNIP Dried leaves and flowering tops, ground 14 g
Boiling water2 cups
Preparation Method:
Pour the boiling water over the herb and steep for 5-10 minutes.
Strain and drink at room temperature.
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.
Dosage: 1 cup on awakening and 1 cup at bedtime.
Caution: Not recommended for children under the age of two.
Herbal Tea Recipes for Cough #3
EUCALYPTUS Leaves, crushed ½ tea spoon
Boiling water 2/3 cup
Preparation Method:
Steep the eucalyptus leaves in the boiling water for 20 minutes. Keep the pan covered during the steeping period. Strain and drink.
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Dosage: 2/3 cup, 3 times a day.
Herbal Recipes for Cough #4
HOREHOUND Flowering tops, crushed 1 handful
Water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Boil the flowering tops of horehound in 2 cups water in a covered container for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow the tea to stand for another 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink at room temperature.
Preparation time: boiling time 15 minutes; standing time 15 minutes.
Dosage: 1 cup a day, 1 table spoon at a time.
Herbal Recipes for Cough #5
LINSEED Seeds, crushed 15 g
Boiling water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Pour the boiling water over the crushed seeds, cover the container and let the tea steep for 5-20 minutes. Strain and drink hot or warm.
Preparation time: 5-20 minutes.
Dosage: 1-2 cups a day.
Herbal Tea Recipes for Cough #6
MALABAR NUT Leaves, crushed 7 numbers
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Steep the crushed leaves in boiling water for 15 minutes in a covered container and strain.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage: 1-4 table spoon, 4 times a day.
Related Blog Post:
Herbal Tea Recipes for Cough – Part II
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Herbal Tea Recipes for Common Cold
Herbal Recipes for Common Cold #1
CINNAMON Bark, powdered 3g
Water 1 ½ cups
Preparation Method:
Boil the cinnamon in the water for 15 minutes in a covered container. Strain the decoction and sweeten with sugar before drinking.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage: 112 cup, twice a day.
Herbal Tea Recipes for Common Cold #2
DOG ROSE Dried rose hips, shredded 2 tea spoon
Water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Boil the herb in the water for 10 minutes, keeping the vessel covered throughout. Strain the mixture and drink twice a day.
Preparation time: 10 minutes.
Dosage: 1 cup, twice a day.
Herbal Teas for Common Cold #3
GINGER Rhizomes, shredded 30g
Boiling water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Cover the rhizomes with boiling water, close the lid of the pan and let the mixture steep for 5-20 minutes, depending on the strength of the tea desired. Strain the infusion before drinking the liquid extract.
Preparation time: 5-20 minutes.
Dosage: 1-2 cups a day.
Herbal Tea Recipes for Common Cold #4
HOLY BASIL Dried leaves, crushed 1 tea spoon
Water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Prepare the decoction by cooking the leaves in 2 cups water till only 1 cup of the liquid remains in the pan. Strain the mixture and discard the leaves.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage: 2 table spoon, 4 times a day.
Herbal Teas for Common Cold #5
Liquorice, powdered 1 tea spoon
Boiling water ½ cup
Preparation Method:
Mix the powder in 1/2 cup boiling water and let the mixture stand for 5 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink after meals.
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
Dosage: ½ cup, 3 times a day after meals.
Herbal Recipes for Common Cold #6
Fresh flowers, crushed 6g
Water 1 ½ cups
Preparation Method:
Add the flowers to the water and boil for 15 minutes, keeping the vessel covered. Strain the mixture and discard the flowers, retaining the liquid.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage: ½ cup, twice a day.
Herbal Teas for Common Cold #7
Dried/fresh whole plant, chopped 1 tea spoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Soak the herb in the water for 5-10 minutes, then strain and drink.
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.
Dosage: 1 cup, 3 times a day.