Home Made Herbal Tea Recipes for Asthma #1
EPHEDRA Whole plant, bruised 14 g
Boiling water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Cover the bruised herb with the boiling water and allow the mixture to steep for 15 minutes in a covered container. Strain the tea and drink at room temperature.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage:1-2 cups a day.
Caution: Large doses of ephedra may cause a tingling sensation, vomiting, flushing, palpitations, dizziness, insomnia and headaches. People suffering front diabetes, heart conditions and thyroid diseases should avoid excessive use of this herb.
Herbal Teas for Asthma #2
EUCALYPTUS Leaves, ground 2 g
Boiling water 2 cups
Preparation Method:
Put the ground eucalyptus leaves in a suitable container and pour the boiling water over them. Cover the container and let the mixture stand for 5-20 minutes, depending on the strength of the tea desired. Strain and drink at room temperature.
Preparation time: 5-20 minutes.
Dosage:1 cup, twice a day.
Herbal Recipes for Asthma #3
GINGER Dried powder ¼ tea spoon
Boiling water ½ cup
Preparation Method:
Steep the ginger powder in 1Iz cup boiling water in a covered container for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it warm. Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage:2 table spoon at bedtime.
Herbal Teas for Asthma #4
HOREHOUND Tender shoots, ground 1 tea spoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Cover the herb with boiling water, close the lid of the pan and leave for 15 minutes, then strain.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage:1 cup a day, 1 table spoon at a time.
Herbal Recipes for Asthma #5
NEEM Leaves/flowering tops 1 tea spoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Steep the herb in boiling water in a covered pan for 15 minutes, then strain.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Dosage:1 cup a day, 1 table spoon at a time.
Home Made Herbal Tea Recipes for Asthma #6
SUNDEW Dried herb, ground ½ - 1 tea spoon
Boiling water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Mix the ground herb with the boiling water in a container, allow the mixture to stand covered for 5-10 minutes and then strain. When the tea cools to room temperature, it is ready to drink.
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.
Dosage:1 cup, twice a day with honey if desired.
Side effects: Sundew imparts a dark color to the urine - harmless side effect.
Home Made Herbal Recipes for Asthma #7
THYME Leaves, ground 1 tea spoon
Water 1 cup
Preparation Method:
Warm the mixture of herb and water in a pan, strain and sweeten with honey if desired.
Preparation time: 1 minute.
Dosage:1 cup, 3 times a day.